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Iranian Oil Terminals study are Submarine pipelines

checking the submarine pipelines of Iranian Oil Terminal Company will be done both internal and external.

Iranian Oil Terminals study are Submarine pipelines
(Friday, June 17, 2016) 12:54

Seyed Mousavi announced: checking the submarine pipelines of Iranian Oil Terminal Company will be done both internal and external.


He added: for this purpose, a chain of multiple projects is defined and the critical points of submarine pipelines have been identified.


Mousavi stating that the mentioned project is started due to broken pipes by water pressure, said: fixing these breaks on the outer surface of the tube is going in review.


He specified: one of the local companies assumes the responsibility of checking the Iranian Oil Terminals submarine pipelines with a length of 50 km.


Iranian Oil Terminals Company director referring to this company's activities in the field of maintenance, said: these activities are more extensive than in previous years.


He added: repair and reconstruction operations required for this company is ongoing as planned.

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